Who am I?

I’m Samantha May, hobby chicken tender and egg color enthusiast!

Doing what you love is freedom, loving what you do is happiness”

- Lana Del Rey

Welcome to The May Feather Flock! I’m a very small hobby chicken farm located in Southern Maryland. I have always been an animal lover but didn’t always love chickens believe it or not. I started out with 5 chickens that a friend had to talk me into getting. Two of them ended up being roosters (thank you tsc) and so began my obsession! I needed EVERY egg color, and over the years that’s exactly what I got… the rainbow of eggs makes my heart so happy. My goal here is first and foremost to enjoy my hobby, second to provide a rainbow of egg colors to you and your family that leaves all of your friends drooling over your egg basket. I hope you enjoy your flock as much as I do. Please always feel free to reach out to me with any and all questions and concerns!

NPIP Independent Flock 51-774

U.S. Pullorum-Typhoid Clean and U.S. H5/H7 Avian Influenza Clean